Rick McKee
Rick is a published, award-winning editorial photographer that has been photographing architecture for greater than 15 years. He has published over ten books including Mastering the Art of Southern Cooking, Magnolias, Cypress, and Granduere Preserved. His work has been in magazines such as Art and Leisure, Charleston Magazine, and Town and Country. You can see more of his photography at www.charlestonphotographer.com. He has a wonderful business sense and he has been called upon to accurately photograph, film, and market homes that were having a hard time selling here in the Charleston market as well as Nationally. After much success, he decided to become a real estate agent and share these talents with his own clients.
He brings other talents to his real estate clients as well. The love of Architecture both modern and historic, the passion for art and natural beauty, the experience of remodeling and modifying spaces, and the deep love of living here in the Lowcountry…
In addition to helping clients find the perfect Lowcountry home or marketing their home, he is currently working on his second architecture coffee table book, based on the beauty of Historic South Carolina buildings. Living Lowcountry rings true to Rick on so many levels. Surfing with his daughter, searching for pre-historic shark teeth on the beach with his son, paddle boarding with the whole family, shopping the farmers market in Marion Square, hiking the Francis Marion State Park, boating in the harbor and ICW, Oyster roasting with lifelong friends, countless festivals, art walks and concerts, swinging the clubs, swinging the racquets, road trips to small dirt road towns, picnics under the Live Oaks and the Sunsets, oh the sunsets… There is no other place Rick would rather live than right here in the Lowcountry.